Transfer Pricing Blog

A productive way to increase your turnover as a tax-advisor

A productive way to increase your turnover as a tax-advisor

Tax advisors can create transfer pricing documentation for their clients. By doing this they could add an additional service to the business that might unlock doors for future growth. Here are a few reasons why you can consider taking this route and some practical...

What is Tax Tech and how does TPGenie fit in?

What is Tax Tech and how does TPGenie fit in?

As of late tax technology have increased functionality and reporting capabilities for companies. These tax specific systems deliver a variety of methods to automate processes that brings many benefits. TPGenie from Intra Pricing Solutions offers companies a tax...

Things to consider when purchasing transfer pricing software

When purchasing a transfer pricing documentation tool, there are several important success factors to consider. Reliability and accuracy The tool should provide accurate and reliable results. The calculations should be based on the latest transfer pricing rules and...

What is transfer pricing?

Transfer pricing (TP) encompasses the rules and conditions that dictate transactions within a Multinational Enterprise (MNEs). Primarily it concerns the inter-company prices charged between associated enterprises in different jurisdictions. Therefore, transfer prices...

ChatGPT and Transfer Pricing benchmarking

ChatGPT and Transfer Pricing benchmarking

Transfer Pricing benchmarking studies require a considerable amount of data and information about the companies being compared. The more accurate and reliable the data, the better the benchmarking study's results. This is where ChatGPT from OpenAI comes in. ChatGPT...

ChatGPT in transfer pricing software TPGenie

ChatGPT in transfer pricing software TPGenie

TPGenie has made a significant leap towards automation and artificial intelligence by seamlessly incorporating ChatGPT - a state-of-the-art natural language generation system. Utilizing OpenAI's AI-powered technology, TPGenie can now produce natural language responses...