Legal Entity Management

Legal Entity Management

The Legal Entity Management (LEM) Module is an easy to use cloud solution that enables you to manage your legal entity governance and compliance in TPGenie.

The Legal Entity Management module is useful to provide scrutiny and transparency, and helps to manage complexity and risk of uncertain regulatory changes and associated costs for all legal entities within your organisation. It gives better control of data and insight into the entity compliance process.

Together with your (legal-) team you have online access to your corporate library. You can manage your entities, shares, mergers and acquisitions in a fast growing environment, and you can keep track of shareholders, directors, and authorised signatories. In a few easy steps you can create entity reports such as UBO documentation and number of diagrams and organisation charts, such as FTE macro functions, organigrams and entity ownership.

TPGenie Legal Entity Management

Legal Entity Management Features

  • Legal Entity Management & Overview: Access to corporate entity information anywhere, anytime;
  • Documentation & Entity Attachments: create and manage entity documentation such as UBO information and more;
  • Legal Ownership Structure & Orgcharts: Automatically generate OrgCharts and diagrams based on ownership;
  • Map: Filter and restructure your group on the world map;
  • Person overview: Overview of people and authorisations;
  • SaaS cloud database: Efficiently manage the data of legal entities via a secure online corporate database.

Contact Us

Herengracht 30
1015 BL, Amsterdam

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