TPGenie has been updated with Identity Access Management (IAM) features. IAM, also known as identity and access management (IAM or IdAM) is a framework of policies and technologies for ensuring that the right users (in an enterprise) have the appropriate access to TPGenie. IAM systems fall under the overarching umbrellas of IT security and data management. Identity and access management solutions have become more prevalent and critical in recent years as regulatory compliance requirements have become increasingly more rigorous and complex.

The TPGenie IAM integration covers issues such as how users gain an identity, the roles and, sometimes, the permissions that identity grants, the protection of that identity and the technologies supporting that protection (e.g., network protocols, digital certificates, passwords, etc.). the features can be integrated neatly with Single Sign On, Two Factor Authentication, and more. IAM reads every night the status of users, roles and permissions from the enterprise’s HR systems, and automatically updates TPGenie when changes are detected. For example when a user changes position or leaves the company.

Are you interested in integrating IAM in your Transfer Pricing Documentation IT architecture? Contact Us!


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