Currency Conversion Module

Currency Conversion Module

This module provides an ability to change financials uploaded in a local amount to transaction amount and vice versa as well as visualise the amounts in a currency of choice for a better comparison of the data.

The Currency Conversion Module can be used in combination with the following parts and modules of the application:

  • Local File creation: During initialisation of your transactions you can change financials uploaded in a local amount to transaction amount and vice versa. Amounts extracted from Oracle HFM, SAP or any other ERP system can be converted into local amounts.
  • Local File Survey: let the local user change financials to domestic currency or any other currency of their choice. The user has the freedom to change the currency for all figures for a transaction in one go or the user can decide to change the currency manually line by line.
  • Country-by-Country Reporting Module: automatically convert all CbCR financial data to one functional currency (more info).
  • Data evaluation: automatically visualise the amounts in a currency of choice for a better comparison of the data.
TPGenie - FX Conversion Module