Transfer Pricing benchmarking studies require a considerable amount of data and information about the companies being compared. The more accurate and reliable the data, the better the benchmarking study’s results. This is where ChatGPT from OpenAI comes in.

ChatGPT can retrieve a wealth of information about companies, including their year of establishment, headcount, industry and company description. This information is critical for conducting benchmarking studies, as it helps to establish the comparability of the companies being compared.

  • The year of establishment is an important piece of information that can provide insights into a company’s maturity and the stage of its development. This information can help to establish the comparability of companies, as two companies that were established around the same time may face similar challenges and opportunities in their respective markets.
  • Headcount is another crucial piece of information that can provide insights into a company’s size and complexity. The headcount can be used to establish the comparability of companies, as two companies with similar headcounts may have similar organizational structures, which can impact their pricing decisions.
  • Industry and company’s description are another vital piece of information that can provide insights into a company’s business activities and market position. The information can be used to establish the comparability of companies, as two companies operating in the same market with similar business activities may face similar challenges and opportunities, which can impact their pricing decisions.

The data mentioned above is commonly presented in the “about” sections of corporate websites. Given that ChatGPT has access to this information, it is an excellent resource for procuring such data to be utilized in Transfer Pricing benchmarking.

What about the financial benchmarking data?

When it comes to retrieving financial results from companies for transfer pricing benchmarking purposes, ChatGPT cannot provide this information at this point in time. Even if financial results were publicly available, ChatGPT would not be able to provide accurate or reliable information for transfer pricing benchmarking. This is because transfer pricing benchmarking requires a detailed analysis of the financial and operational data of comparable companies, taking into account a range of factors. ChatGPT, as an AI language model, does not have the capability to conduct such a detailed analysis, nor does it have access to the necessary financial and operational data. Therefore, while ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and information on a range of topics, it is not the right tool for retrieving financial results.

Reliability of the data generated by ChatGPT

The reliability of ChatGPT’s data is an other critical aspect. ChatGPT’s data is derived from a vast corpus of text data, which has been pre-processed to remove biases and inconsistencies. This pre-processing ensures that the data retrieved by ChatGPT is accurate and reliable, which is crucial for benchmarking studies.

It is worth noting that ChatGPT’s knowledge cutoff date of 21 September is not a significant issue when it comes to retrieving company information for transfer pricing benchmarking. This is because the source of information, which is the company data, is often older than the knowledge cutoff date.

ChatGPT’s data is also updated regularly, which ensures that the benchmarking studies conducted using ChatGPT’s data are based on the latest information available. This is crucial, as the business environment is constantly changing, and companies need to stay abreast of the latest developments.


In conclusion, ChatGPT can be a reliable and useful source of information for transfer pricing benchmarking. Its ability to retrieve accurate and reliable data on companies’ year of establishment, headcount, industry and company description makes it an useful tool for conducting benchmarking studies. The capability of ChatGPT writing natural language, combined with its regular updates, and the accuracy of it’s data can help you conducting benchmarking studies without the need of additional writing, or copy-pasting. For now we cannot use ChatGPT for retrieving financial benchmarking data, but as this technology is progressing fast, who knows what the near future brings!

ChatGPT is integrated in TPGenie. You can read more about ChatGPT integration with TPGenie here. Or schedule a 15-miute demo of the software.