Intercompany Agreements database
Intercompany agreements management database
This module is an intercompany agreement management repository and provides numerous of functionalities for managing your intercompany agreements. Easily show all missing agreements for a specific FY, entity or transaction and map potential available agreements automatically.
Do you struggle managing the large amount of intercompany agreements in your company? We developed a system to manage and maintain your intercompany agreements to have all files in one central repository. With this tool there is no need anymore to store your agreements on your network or Sharepoint and have endless searches for the right agreement.
Intercompany agreement management
Unlike paper-based contract management systems, storing all files in one centralised, digital repository allows for optimum compliance and extensive reporting. The intercompany agreement management software offers a centralised portal with features such as search and filter capabilities and audit trails that provide access to your entire contract history with the click of a mouse. Your business can maintain accurate contract history for auditing and keep a full audit trail.
The Intercompany agreement management module provides numerous of useful features:
- A library containing all your intercompany agreements.
- contracts are organised within a single repository and all contract related information is stored in metadata.
- A dashboard is displaying the status of all available agreements.
- Agreements can be uploaded and validated on a central level – You can allow access to this dashboard only to certain users, for example, the legal department of your company. The users who have access to this module are in charge of reviewing and validating the uploaded agreements.
- Features for identifying missing agreements and outdated agreements.
- Automatic notifications on expiration of agreements.
- Integration with your Local File survey where agreements can be picked from the library or uploaded by a local user.
- Output generation of the package where agreements are identified and included in the final output package.
- The intercompany agreement management software has features for bulk uploading your existing contracts.
- Validation of agreements.

Columns available in the Intercompany agreement management
The following columns are available in the dashboard:
Subject – The subject of the agreement.
Description – The description field can be used to provide additional quick-reference information on the Agreement.
Status – Status of the agreement.
Action – Action needed, such as review or validation.
Sellers – Parties identified as a providing entity in the agreement.
Purchasers – Parties identified as a receiving entity in the agreement.
Files – Files uploaded to the agreement such as the agreement itself or its appendixes.
Upload Date – Date/time when the agreement was created in the system.
Upload user – The user who created the agreement in the system.
Start Date – Starting date of the agreement.
End Date – Ending date of the agreement.
Usage – How often the agreement is linked to a report’s transaction in the system.
Usage in Report – Shows in which financial year and local file an agreement has been used.
Source Agreement – If the Agreement Creation Module is available (more info) this column shows a flag whenever the agreement was created with the tool.
Transaction Profile Exists – This column will help you identify “corrupt” ic-agreements which will never popup as a suggestion in the survey upload section. Show if a transaction profile is found in the current financial year.