Transfer Pricing Data Security

We protect your groups’ transfer pricing data with the highest security measures

TPGenie runs on our secured TPGenie Transfer Pricing Cloud platform. More than 2800 users worldwide use TPGenie to ensure the confidentiality and security of their transfer pricing data. We take security seriously.

IS0 27001

Intra Pricing Solutions B.V. and it’s secured TPGenie Transfer Pricing Cloud platform is ISO 27001 certified as of December 2022. Certificates can be provided upon request.

Data encryption

All data transferred between TPGenie users and the TPGenie cloud infrastructure is encrypted using state-of-the-art TLS encryption. We regularly review the cipher suites used and deprecate those which may become insecure in the future.

Data storage

All TPGenie clients have their separate secured environment on the TPGenie Transfer Pricing Cloud platform. The client environments are stored segregated on the cloud server for extra security, which prevents mingling data between clients.

Data centers

The TPGenie transfer pricing cloud ecosystem is hosted and operated in a co-location in data centers in The Netherlands with an ISO 27001 certified data center operator, which is audited regularly. Our servers are protected by the highest physical means and only selected Intra Pricing Solutions employees with operational tasks have access to them.


All TPGenie networks are redundant and secured by automatic failover mechanisms to ensure trouble-free service, with a measured uptime of 99.99% in the last 12 months and 0% downtime in the last 3 months.

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Intra Pricing Solutions avoids involving subcontractors as much as possible. When necessary, we carefully select them and, according to ISO 27001, audit all critical ones.

If you want to learn more about the measures we take to protect our customers’ transfer pricing data, please contact us.

Contact Us

Herengracht 30
1015 BL, Amsterdam

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      TPGenie BusinessTPGenie BasicTPGenie EnterpriseBenchmarking ModulePillar Two (GloBE) ModuleCreating and managing Inter-Company AgreementsLegal Entity ManagementCountry-by-Country Reporting moduleCurrency Conversion ModuleTranslation ModuleTransfer Pricing AI toolsBecoming Partner/Reseller