Ewals Cargo Care

Customer Success Story

Since 2013 Ewals Cargo Care uses TPGenie Enterprise. 

In 1906, Alfons Ewals founded Ewals with a horse, a cart and a lot of ambition. Over a century later, the 4th Ewals generation proudly carries on his legacy. Today, Ewals Cargo Care creates unconventional logistics products by combining shipments by road, rail and short-sea to create the very best multimodal combination for your cargo.

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The challenge

Creating a compliant transfer pricing document for each of the Ewals Group entities. Whilst also standardizing the transfer pricing documentation for the 32 entities across 15 countries for the Ewals Group. Some of the 15 countries are very strict when it comes to the transfer pricing documentation.

The solution

Using an application specifically designed for creating transfer pricing documentation, with an easy yearly step-by-step process. The solution for the Ewals Group is TPGenie, it provides both an easy to maintain transfer pricing document creation process and a great way to standardize these documents across the Group with the possibility of adding country specific details.

The results

Within 1 month each year all company data is prepared and loaded into the tool, verified by financial and business controllers and thus the documents are created. What used to be done by an external company/partner we can now easily create and maintain the transfer pricing documents and maintain compliant within all 15 countries.

“Oh, this makes it very simple, doesn’t it?!”

“Wow, that was easy, I thought it would take us at least several hours!”

“The initial setup is some work because of local requirements, but afterwards everything is prepared so quickly!”

Pim Renders

Young Finance Professional, Ewals Cargo Care

Transport & Logistics

In 1906, Alfons Ewals founded Ewals with a horse, a cart and a lot of ambition. Over a century later, the 4th Ewals generation proudly carries on his legacy. Today, Ewals Cargo Care creates unconventional logistics products by combining shipments by road, rail and short-sea to create the very best multimodal combination for your cargo.

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