Transfer Pricing Blog

Download free Transfer pricing policy template

A polished and professionally drafted transfer pricing policy document is a key ingredient in your compliance process. This could be a difficult process no matter if you are a CFO, transfer pricing manager, or junior pricing manager. We would like to share our...

The link between transfer pricing and carbon trading

The link between transfer pricing and carbon trading

Environmental taxation and the treatment of carbon as part of an MNE’s value chain could be one of the most important trends alongside digitalization. Supporting this argument, the OECD has committed large amounts of resources in examining environmental taxes. The...

Transfer pricing and interest rate changes in real estate

Transfer pricing and interest rate changes in real estate

Inflation has been on an upward curve over the last few years and most central banks have followed with changing the monetary policy. The recent surges in interest rates and the volatility in the financial markets have changed the risk equation. This volatility causes...

A productive way to increase your turnover as a tax-advisor

A productive way to increase your turnover as a tax-advisor

Tax advisors can create transfer pricing documentation for their clients. By doing this they could add an additional service to the business that might unlock doors for future growth. Here are a few reasons why you can consider taking this route and some practical...

What is Tax Tech and how does TPGenie fit in?

What is Tax Tech and how does TPGenie fit in?

As of late tax technology have increased functionality and reporting capabilities for companies. These tax specific systems deliver a variety of methods to automate processes that brings many benefits. TPGenie from Intra Pricing Solutions offers companies a tax...

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      TPGenie BusinessTPGenie BasicTPGenie EnterpriseBenchmarking ModulePillar Two (GloBE) ModuleCreating and managing Inter-Company AgreementsLegal Entity ManagementCountry-by-Country Reporting moduleCurrency Conversion ModuleTranslation ModuleTransfer Pricing AI toolsBecoming Partner/Reseller